
Dh 245 (Groundnut variety)

In recent years, efforts are being made to improve oil quality in all oilseed crops with special emphasis on increasing oleic acid that has dual benefits of health with reduction in low density lipoprotein (LDL) and increased or sustaining same level of beneficial high density lipoprotein (HDL) and increased shelf life of oil or products prepared. There is a high demand for high oleic groundnut varieties. This necessity was felt and keeping the interest of both consumers and farmers, improvement of groundnut for oil quality was considered.:
Technology Details:
There is a high demand for high oleic groundnut varieties that are high yielding and resistant to fungal foliar diseases. AICRP Groundnut, UAS Dharwad centre has developed high oleic mutant Dh-245 from induced mutagenesis of GPBD-4 which has recorded higher oleic acid (>70 %) compared to its parent, GPBD-4 (48-50 %) and other Spanish Bunch cultivars like JL-24, TMV 2 (40 %) which are cultivated in the region. Dh-245 also recorded about 10 % increased pod yield over best check G2-52 besides having foliar disease (LLS and rust) resistance. Name of crop and Variety Groundnut, Dh 245 Parentage Induced mutagenesis of GPBD 4 with gamma rays (300Gy) Year of release (CSC on CSN & RVAC) 2018 Gazette Notification Details S.O. 6318 (E) 26.12.2018 Pod Yield (kg/ha) 1500-2900 kg/ha Season Kharif Maturity Group 105 to 108 days (medium maturity group) Reaction to major diseases and insects Resistant to late leaf spot and rust diseases Other remarks High Oleic acid (>70%) which has dual benefits of health and increased shelf life of oil or products prepared. Acceptable pod and kernel features.